We let out all or part of the building depending upon needs and availability.
Our normal charge is £6/hour.
Please contact us if you would like more information.
Fenton Table Tennis Club: The club plays on the top floor of our building and has two teams playing in the Potteries and District Table Tennis League. New members, both young and old are welcome and anyone wishing to view matches are welcome to come along on Monday or Thursday evenings. Further details can be obtained by speaking to John Stanyer on 876990
Zazu (Tribal Dancing): Teacher Lesley Foulkes can be contacted on 01782 633759
A user-led mental health charity providing a unique recovery service to those in mental distress, based on users attending weekly mutual help groups and following CHANGES 12 step recovery programme, (developed from users own experience in recovering from mental distress).
Al Anon All meetings are by tradition, 'closed', that is, attended only by family and friends whose lives have been affected by the alcoholic's behaviour.